quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008


I am leading a fairly quiet life mostly entirely alone. I welcome this opportunity daily. At the same time, I am in such a strange place that I am with all that surrounds me, the buildings, the places of commerce, the gardens, and the brook that gurgles by the building going in the direction of Lake Leman… My attention goes from the computer screen to the window and what lies beyond, the Geneva airport with its airplanes coming and going in the distance, as well as the oh blessed mountains.

Total silence. I am writing at the desk yesterday when there is unusual noise coming from the road. It is not quite the sound of horns, but it is too… just noisy, annoying like any racket that disturbs the peace, going on for a few minutes. I finally stand up, go to the window to see at the roundabout (I think that is what we call the circle where cars go around in different directions) a huge truck, actually a truck connected to several trailers. I think “How unusual to see such huge truck here in Europe; we see them in the US. It must be making noise to indicate that it wants to turn left without going around the circle.” Curiosity thus satisfied, I went back to work.

During lunch, which I eat in front to the glass door to the veranda overlooking the mountains, I notice that the truck is now parked behind the Champion supermarket. “It must be making deliveries… Such a huge truck to bring the food…” I finish eating and go back to work.

Late in the afternoon I am ready to go swimming. I need it because I have been grumpy today and suffering from self-pity. I gather towel, goggles, cap, ear plugs, soap, shampoo, the entrance card all in my backpack and put the suit on, dressing myself warmly because it is about 33 degrees. I go down the elevator, to the trash bin, and then outside.

Here is what I see: camels, tiny ponies, and a strange bull with long, long pointy horns. Besides the menagerie are the many parts of the truck, more trailers and a tent going up. The Circus of Rome is in town and right behind my building. A big smile grows on my face, my heart beats a tiny bit faster, and I feel the rush of joy and expectation, surprised.

I have considered 1) Going to the performance today, Wednesday, at 6 p.m. as the loudspeaker on one of the circus’ vehicles announces all over Ferney-Voltaire. 2) Asking at the office if they need employees and volunteering, thus fulfilling a lifelong dream of running away with the circus and perhaps a strong vocation as a clown.

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